Saturday, November 18, 2006

3 Things That Say Moscow
the metro
This is the metro sign. It's everywhere. It means "You're About to be Packed in Like Clowns in a Volkswagen But You'll Get Where You Need to Go".

st. basil's doesn't really look this cool
This is St. Basil's Cathedral in Red Square. It's not quite as impressive in person but the inside is delicate and beautiful and somewhat eerie.

trash! score!
This is Cara and Steve. The woman behind them is hunting for treasure. I appreciate a country where even adults still believe in treasure.

All in all, all is well. Right now I'm in Tallinn, Estonia. It's quite beautiful and right on the Baltic Sea, in which I skipped stones.


CLAY BANES said...

i'm jealous you're in estonia. tomorrow's carla's birthday. hello!

Anonymous said...

Katie, Auntie Carol here! I just read your blog and it's fabulous! Hard to believe you were freezing your ta-tas off in Moscow and I was sweating my brains out (really, I think they came out my ears!) in Curacao at the same time!

See you soon!